





Watercolour painting has functioned as a mechanism to build ensemble compositions. The works are “anti” watercolours eschewing many of the pretty artifices inherent in the medium.  They do not portray nature, they are not beautiful, instead the use of the medium  builds large drawings by incorporating multiple figurative motifs. The pictures also share an interest in the environment in which the figure’s act, butcher shop, abbey, street, cafe enclose the figures in an environments that constructs them.

West Coast

“West Coast”






















"On the Street"“On the Street”



"Four Women in London"

“Four Women in London”




“Europa” 22×30″ watercolour

“Darren on the West Coat”  22×30″ watercolour

“Eiry: 22×30” watercolour

“untitled” 22×30″ watercolour

“untitled” 22×30″ watercolour

“untitited”  “On the Road”: 22×30″ watercolour

“Women in London” 22×30″ watercolour

“untitiled” 22×30″ watercolour